Literally. I open up my terminal and try to cd Desktop
only to be told that no such file exists. I thought for sure everyone this was happening to was just not reading something correctly and were foolish. Nope! It literally began deleting my files.
Edit 2: Even once it’s done and you have them locally and not “on demand”, the Desktop is in
instead of~/Desktop
. See this helpful comment.
It looks like there might be a way to sort of disable Files on Demand but it looks like it won’t let me do it until it’s done uploading? I’ll post updates.
Not to be dramatic, but I’m really going through it. My mouse logitech mouse is suddenly chattering really bad and double clicking everything. Also while Steam refuses to let me disable auto updates for all games in any sort of easy way. And DDG seems intent on only showing me results related to launching games without updating (as opposed to merely disabling auto updates until I launch). The chatter fixer I found for my mouse does not work and the other requires some logitech program to even try to use. (The repo doesn’t mention the name.) This is awful. When it rains it pours, I guess. Literally can’t even high light this text to wrap it in a spoiler. This is fucking stupid.
Context: My parents have a family plan for Microsoft 365 they added me too and it has 1 TB of storage I can use. I wouldn’t have turned it on otherwise.
Edit: My desktop background has literally vanished and turned solid black.
I’m so glad I purged windows from my systems this year.
Go fuck yourself Microsoft.
I already planned on my next computer being Linux Mint, but it’s getting more and more desired as time goes on.
I was playing Elden Ring when it began stuttering, turns out Windows Defender was just constantly reading the disk (I still have a hard drive). Finally turned off maximum priority (seemingly random) scans in task scheduler when I began stuttering again. This time it was Windows Compatibility Telemetry taking up 50% of the disk, until I finally found a way to turn that off.
It’d be so nice to have an OS that doesn’t run random unnecessary things without your permission.
No time like the present!
I shifted all my important data to an external disk, wiped the main ssd, slapped Debian on there, then moved the data back. Great way to spend an afternoon.
Big thanks to Microsoft for their efforts to advertise Linux.
There was this mini golden era around 2019 or so where it really seemed like Windows was getting their shit together. I think a lot of places use Macs for development now and Windows was trying to get that market share back. Stuff like the new console and WSL were amazing.
OneDrive is literally built on fucked tech from the get go and Microsoft initially even pointed out in its online documentation that it is NOT a backup solution, but just a way to enable cloud sharing of documents to access them from anywhere. Their higher-ups decided to make it into something it was never originally intended to be, which is why it is constantly a disaster with people losing documents due to sync problems.
Sorry for the rant, I just fucking hate OneDrive with a deep passion due to the higher leadership at my work forcing us to shutdown our local file shares and making our entire org migrate all our data to SharePoint Online. It has been a miserable transition and I’m in charge of migrating over 100TB and tens of millions of files from over 30 departments. Let me just say SPO is NOT a fileshare solution, and despite me pointing this out countless times it has fallen on deaf ears. Everyone hates it and its limitations are insane (e.g. no more than 100,000 files per document library, 400 character limit for file paths including the base URL, etc). And on top of that all, we have warned customers countless times NOT to sync their OneDrives to any document library or they WILL have problems. Do they listen? Of fucking course they don’t. We’ve had endless tickets and the migration isn’t even complete yet.
Tldr; fuck OneDrive and fuck SharePoint Online.
fuck OneDrive and SharePoint online forever. That migration sounds fucking terrible lol, we just got done doing something similar although much lower scale. The character limit for sure was a huge headache, so is the 100,000 file limit.
Just an FYI, Windows likely just moved your files from users\[username] to users\[username]\OneDrive instead. When OneDrive sets itself up, it basically grabs all of the relevant folders and moves them into a single “OneDrive” folder. Not a huge issue if you’re setting up the PC for the first time. But if you’ve been using the PC for a while, it’ll break everything because now all of your local files have moved and none of your systems are pointing at the right location anymore. For instance, your desktop is likely black because your image file got moved into that OneDrive folder.
how the fuck is that real