Credit cards have fees and not all business want to pay them. A place by me used to be cash only until 2015 and they finally started taking debit, still no credit.
The credit card fees are fucking heinous bullshit. Even doctors offices are doing them…i know it’s the fault of the credit card companies but holy fucking shit.
Lol wut? You can’t pay with a credit card? I’ve literally never seen that in my life.
Edit: aside from cash only. I mean I’ve never seen where you can pay with your phone electrically but not use a card.
Credit cards have fees and not all business want to pay them. A place by me used to be cash only until 2015 and they finally started taking debit, still no credit.
The credit card fees are fucking heinous bullshit. Even doctors offices are doing them…i know it’s the fault of the credit card companies but holy fucking shit.