There is no way to know what a buyer will want to do with the reams of genetic information it has collected. Customers, meanwhile, still have no way to change their underlying genetic data.
Yes, unfortunately. I dunno if it’s a global thing or just in the US, but several years ago, they started sending your car’s computer data to insurance companies, who then use it to determine how well you drive and what insurance rates they want to give you.
Yes, unfortunately. I dunno if it’s a global thing or just in the US, but several years ago, they started sending your car’s computer data to insurance companies, who then use it to determine how well you drive and what insurance rates they want to give you.
It’s really scummy.
Here is at least one of those reports the other poster touched on
All cars for awhile. Mozilla released a privacy report a year or two ago and it seems nobody cared. Which is why they can do this stuff.