I’m lucky to have had a great job going on seven years, but the decade prior to that I was in an awful place, but this meme speaks to me because I did just that. I had a boss who didn’t want to lose me, so he got my interview for an internal move (that would have been a promotion) pulled.
That’s a pretty monumentally shitty thing to do, so after that, I did the absolute bare minimum. It was a lot of fun when I put in my two weeks.
Matter of fact, when you do get a raise you need to ask yourself if it’s truly a raise. Inflation decreases the purchasing power of your salary, so if you get a raise you might be getting what was your initial salary.
You did a fantastic job, blew all your metrics out of the park. You were herr 6/7 days a week for the whole year and did the work of 3 people. We couldnt be more proud of you. So I went to bat for you, really fought like hell, and managed to get your raise increased from 3% to 5&!!!
Inflation was 8+%
I have resting bitch face so I just constantly look stressed all day when in reality I’m just watching Youtube videos after my hour of work is finished.