Wait you guys don’t just shuffle all liked songs and listen to that every time?
No thanks, I don’t wanna listen to 2015 me’s music taste
No, I listen to albums.
Right? Why wouldn’t I just want a random grab bag of every song I’ve ever enjoyed? It keeps you on your toes, that’s for sure.
No, I sort by date (last downloaded) and keep replaying few newly added songs on loop for hours until I download another.
Although it depends on way of access.
Folder music player on phone - sorting by date or shuffle playlist - rapid playlist (directory) switching
VLC player on laptop - sorting alphabetically or shuffle playlist - rare playlist (directory) switching
Navidrome server - whole albums or newly added played individually - rare playlist use (shuffle)** playlists generated using
ls playlist_dir/* > playlist.m3u
Cause liked songs have multiple genres, which does not corresponds to the mood you are! Have playlists by genre or artist, it’s works better IMO.
I play all liked songs in order of most recently added and go back to the start every 5 songs.
I’ve played Liked Songs on random shuffle and it’s no secret that Spotify messed up their algorithm. As I’ve played it on random and the amount of times I hear the same song in the span of 30 or so songs is 2-3 times. I once looked into it, to see if I had doubles of the same song but from albums/eps/singles and more often than not, it wasn’t the case.
I also have times when I want to listen to a certain mood or style of music. That’s when my plethora of playlists come in.
5? That’s my large Playlist.
Back in the day, I did this with an entire discography while I was on holiday (left pc on for downloading, forgot winamp was still playing as my amp was off). When I got back, I was the top Air listener on LastFM (kept track of listened songs) by far. I held the title for many years until I removed my account.
Windows down? Same 2 songs on repeat
So I’m nor the only one who can listen to a few songs over and over again. It drives my kids nuts.
I don’t have that problem with Tidal
One of these days, I’m gonna have the money to subscribe to Tidal for a full year.
Honestly Tidal is much better and is not really any more expensive than Spotify, or it’s just in my country like that, of course idk your financial situation buy it when you can it will be great pay. Only “problem” tidal has is that recommendations are less personal and intrusive compared to Spotify, of course for me it’s not really a problem but for some it might be.
I’m paying 5.99€ for individual plan on tidal, and Spotify is 6.49€ monthly plan I’m talking about.