What would it take for the Goliath to be the hero and David to be the pessimist? Not just in fictional narrative depictions but throught history too. The only scenario I can think of that kinda fits the mold was 9/11. Where America may not of been the hero or “good guy” but the underdog Taliban was unanimously viewed as the “bad guys.” I’m not super knowledgeable when it comes to global geopolitical relations so I’m all ears for any scenarios that prove otherwise and would love to hear them.

Edit: I am loving all the responses and its a great conversation, I just wish I phrased the title differently so it wasn’t getting downvoted. I didn’t mean for it to come accross like I didn’t think it ever happened.

  • dragontamer@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Also, David basically brought a gun to a knife fight against Goliath. Seems like Goliath should have been considered the underdog :3

    Its been suggested that the combat could have been a ritualistic slaughter. Much like the Gladiator Ring was ritualized slaughter, to appease the masses.

    IE: David vs Goliath, if it were to ever have happened in true history, would have always been written down like the story. The concept of “true history” wasn’t invented until centuries after that particular story. The purpose of writing in the Bronze Age was to build shared culture and shared stories.