I don’t think its “compared” to the Rs but just in general they are good for “rich ppl yacht” money. Your instant move to compare the two parties (making bad policy OK by comparing it to “OH FUCK” policy) is why the usa is in the state it is now.
Interesting. I didn’t know I had a say in US politics being 5000 miles away and not a citizen. I’ll be sure to smarten my ideas up. Send marine force 2 or whatever to pick me up and I’ll sort that shit show out for you once I kick trump in the balls/face.
Also there’s literally only one other option so yea of course it’s compared to the opposition. That’s how the system is setup.
Are you sure you are replying to the correct comment? I am not american and yes I too have no say in their system, but “less bad” is still bad.
Not sure why you think commenting on geopolitics and other nations economic policy means you need to fall to the same BS they have. Even less that making comments somehow gives us a say.
I don’t think its “compared” to the Rs but just in general they are good for “rich ppl yacht” money. Your instant move to compare the two parties (making bad policy OK by comparing it to “OH FUCK” policy) is why the usa is in the state it is now.
Interesting. I didn’t know I had a say in US politics being 5000 miles away and not a citizen. I’ll be sure to smarten my ideas up. Send marine force 2 or whatever to pick me up and I’ll sort that shit show out for you once I kick trump in the balls/face.
Also there’s literally only one other option so yea of course it’s compared to the opposition. That’s how the system is setup.
Are you sure you are replying to the correct comment? I am not american and yes I too have no say in their system, but “less bad” is still bad.
Not sure why you think commenting on geopolitics and other nations economic policy means you need to fall to the same BS they have. Even less that making comments somehow gives us a say.
Yes I am sure. You suggested my rejection of your idea and comparison is why the US is like it is now. Hence the joke.
Okay fine. They’re both bad. Which would you rather have won in 2024 now?
I think you’ve fallen for a classic ‘if left/centre not perfect might as well burn the house down’ fallacy personally but we’ll agree to disagree.
AND youre not a citizen of the US? Sit your fool ass down playa 🤣
Bitch please. Who’d want to be a US citizen. The others are locked in there with tools like you.
Meanwhile in free roaming European: were laughing at you morons for electing a king.
And what makes you think you need to be an inmate to talk about the joint?
English is your second language so maybe you missed how whether you wish to be a citizen or not was not my point, your definite ignorance was.
Stop trying to save face, you have nothing to say to me and the fact you’re still yappin is pathetic