I don’t use tiktok because I don’t want to get addicted personally, and I know a few people who borderline are.
That’s not the point though, not the real one anyway. Even if this ban was going through with good intentions, it doesn’t actually solve anything. Everyone will just find a new PRISM-compatable app to get addicted to. The government’s “action/statement itself” is precisely the problem. If they passed a law that forbid certain addicting behaviors, and TikTok ran afoul of that law, then I’d likely be in support, because it bans those behaviors in general. But that’s not what’s happening here, instead the government is targeting the individual company, so it’s pretty clear to me that the cited privacy and addiction concerns are only an excuse. Don’t take this combatively, I just think this is important, but I think that ironically you’re the one who needs to separate the action from the actors. I think you’re underestimating how dangerous a precedence this sets.
Most of my immediate family just does sms group chats. I don’t keep up with the extended family, seeing them every other holiday is enough
I mean it kinda has. It wasn’t an insta-kill but users have dropped dramatically and it’s still dropping
Lol, I guess we all make different connections, but to me “mastodon” doesn’t sound like “masterbate” any more than “blue sky” sounds like “blue balls” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve dailyed six manual cars and two of them didn’t have a tach (both Fords?), and one of those was too old to even have a shift light. Honestly, even when I was new I barely looked at the tach when I had one anyway, and I didn’t really start to look at until I learned how to really get good at rev-matching for heal-toe and dropping gears. I just shift by ear and ass like 90% of the time.