not voting for either of the girls with glasses
not voting for either of the girls with glasses
I’m single, and I eat while playing. The sad thing is that I’m not actually super interested in video games these days but I don’t have much else going on.
5.5 hours a day is easy when you have a job if you don’t have anything else going on. I have much more time for games as an adult than I did when I was a kid.
If I wanted to be constrained by flesh and bone then I’d be looking at 3D porn.
thinking you’re old
I think even this sort of compliment will be creepy to many (perhaps most) women. Am I wrong?
I can’t officially diagnose her with BPD but ramping up emotions constantly was her thing.
Nah he ran off with mine and the two of them are happy together.
I divorced her after six months of marriage a long time ago. I’m embarrassed by that, but my mistake was in marrying her, not in ending the marriage so quickly. I’m proud that I had the courage to leave.
I do wonder if there was anything I should have done differently which would have made the marriage work, but I’m more confident about my decision to leave after a more recent ex of hers found me so that he could tell me that she was a “horrible psychopath” who ruined his life. Apparently he knew my name because she told him how bad I had been to her, and after their breakup he suspected that she had been lying.
As for right now: I’m single but it’s 100% true that being single is better than being in a bad relationship.
Relationship tests are toxic.
Hah. The woman I was briefly married to really wanted me to be jealous, but I didn’t realize that at the time. I was just happy for her whenever she told be about her great friends who happened to be men.
This culminated when she told me it wasn’t fair that I had had other sexual partners in my life but she had not. I replied that if she was asking me for an open relationship and it was really important to her, then it would be something we could discuss. That was not what she wanted to hear.
She was not a nice person (to put it mildly) so I don’t regret being so clueless.
When I visited India, there were people who spoke English to me with such a strong accent that I didn’t even realize that they were speaking English. Bias against people speaking with an Indian accent is real, but so is the need to facilitate communication.
I want a version of that appropriate/inappropriate meme but with the guys coughing up blood and both pictures labeled “inappropriate”.
No, he was even bigger and he has been shrinking.
I clicked the link in your post because I thought you meant that that phrase was in the Creative Commons license and I was disappointed.
So OP is OP because he was taken care of by an amateur?
Protect my minors?
I’ve heard that people are often interested in Asian women because they are expected to be subservient. I just think that while women of any ethnicity can be good-looking*, East Asian women are better-looking on average. I wouldn’t call that a fetish the way that you do, and I don’t think it’s somehow worse than a preference for any other sort of physical feature (which I wouldn’t call a fetish either unless it was very extreme).
*Good-looking to me rather than in an absolute sense.
You can hang on to the penis of someone who’s climbing.
Hallucinating while murdering his roommate.
They’re not that expensive, at least not up-front. A guy I know bought a sailboat for a few thousand dollars, but the catch was that it was almost 50 years old and needed a lot of repairs. He saved money by doing the repairs himself, but the $400 per month slip fee was still too much for him eventually and he sold the boat.