Note that mentioning this to your significant other may result in a mild argument over you wanting to watch the classic bill murry film again.
I’m just saving you some time everyone.
Note that mentioning this to your significant other may result in a mild argument over you wanting to watch the classic bill murry film again.
I’m just saving you some time everyone.
I’m only partially joking when I say we are in the dark timeline.
Look man, I could be your boss. You should be taking breaks to refresh as it helps you work better. Taking a load off can be a useful chance to refresh. So yes I will pay you to go to the loo during work hours.
Liem Mr meseeks but for meat. Mr meatseeks.
That would mean it’s technically good news for hotdog sellers.
GI robot is watching that angle.
Easy, just take the RAM and cpu cores reserved for tiktok and move them over from one virtual server to the other /s
I know my partner wants Greenland, Siberia and some equatoral action
Ah if your not American, then why are the eggs in the fridge?