even if he wrote “half”, he would still be wrong, and still suffering from multiple levels of dissonance.
even if he wrote “half”, he would still be wrong, and still suffering from multiple levels of dissonance.
Sure, there were/are still some bits and pieces of hardware support missing, but the overall experience rivaled or exceeded what you could get on most x86 laptops.
But then also came the entitled users. This time, it wasn’t about stealing games, it was about features. “When is Thunderbolt coming?” “Asahi is useless to me until I can use monitors over USB-C” “The battery life sucks compared to macOS” (nobody ever complained when compared to x86 laptops…) “I can’t even check my CPU temperature” (yes, I seriously got that one).
how many levels of dissonance is that?
Pretends to rage-quit from contributing, not resigns.
Good riddance, unless they learn how to behave like well adjusted adults, instead of constantly playing to a microblogtard crowd. <= That’s what would I have wrote if something relevant actually happened, which is not the case.
And this is coming from a Rustacean.
This more belongs to a “linux drama” community (if one exists).
The highest cost for most projects comes from the CI runners.
i2p only provides anonymous transport, so not relevant at all.
ipfs is joke tech (you would be better off building something on top of good old torrents).
A fanatic microblogger* inflating some kernel drama, and inviting the microblog echo chamber and the whole internet gantry to chime in… is surely worthy of being the hottest topic of the day.
* Yes, I know who they are.
survey participants != all rust developers
In fact, there is no reason for experienced Rust developers to participate in such surveys at all. I don’t.
Hell, the way the survey results are covered (not just here) tells me that maybe we should push for it to never be done (officially) ever again.