You give them far, far too much credit.
Unless they came out of 15-year coma just in time for the election and voted purely on name recognition, they knew exactly what they were voting for, and why.
You give them far, far too much credit.
Unless they came out of 15-year coma just in time for the election and voted purely on name recognition, they knew exactly what they were voting for, and why.
It seems to me that they were both right. If I didn’t know better, I’d be inclined to think that the wealthy and powerful used their works as a roadmap instead of a warning.
I remain in awe that someone who is Constitutionally ineligible to hold office, who is a rapist, and a convicted felon, an enemy of democracy, was not only on ballots, but won an election, and was permitted to be sworn in.
The US is not a country of law, nor a government by or for the people. It is a fully captured oligarchy.
Don’t worry, silly things like law or Constitution don’t hold any power now. His Majesty King Trump is above such things.
It’s a well documented fact that authoritarians utilize leftist terminology as the keystone of their propaganda/branding strategy. The masses, sadly, will always accept charismatic, strongly-worded branding over genuine ideals. There is nothing “no true scottsman” about it.