Mystery meat? Are you ignorant? You can make jerky at home with fresh meat yourself, that’s why I said homemade jerky. Gotta love vegans downvoting this out of ignorance. Artisanal cheeses are very good for you too and fish is great omega 3s. Legumes irritate many people’s stomachs. Way to dismiss the reality of eating legumes.
I do eat vegetables, simply not legumes as they give me gas and bloating (and I’m not the only one it happens to, it’s so common, there’s a reason comedians joke about eating them and farting). Can we stop pretending legumes don’t cause gas and bloating? 😂 As if me pointing it out means I don’t eat veggies, gtfo here.
"Fiber makes you bloat
Beans are just one example of high fiber foods. When you eat a ton of fiber, you increase your chances of bloating, stomach pain and gas."
It’s not even hard to find this out. Btw it’s beans AND legumes in general that do this (the article mentions it and this is not the only source that says this). Happy reading.