Can you explain further why you concerned for me and my state? I would like to say if you mentioning “My State” in case related to mental health. While yes I have Bipolar and else wise. I have been analyzed by a psychiatrist and have been told with confidence. My experiences do not match delusional thinking or schizophrenia. While I can’t tell if you exactly hinted at this. I’ve seen time and time again people assume mental health without being educated or professionally trained to understand the complex dynamics of mental health. Now there is more to this and I understand that so please I’d love to hear your thoughts and perspectives.
Why do you assume I’m ever trying to deceive people? Everything I say is what I mean. I refuse to lie to anyone. If you can’t believe that American’s have different ways of speaking is odd with how broad of a country this is. I not only have autism but am influenced by as I said Norse and Chinese Culture. I do assume though by seeing the way you engage. You live in a relatively small ideal possibly even hinting at Abrahamic Culture. As most Christians at least in my experience show this level of ignorance and lack of respect for a diverse culture and community. Also I want to ask that as before I saw you quoted Meng Tian, possibly to mock the idea of me being a pupil. I ask you to respect this idea or at least him. As many throughout the world understand and know he is a grand innovator and military genius. From every corner of the world!