The apes figured out how to make tools out of stone. They knew how to make fire and knew which plants they could and couldn’t eat. People today aren’t smarter than their ancestors because they have access to sophisticated tech.
The apes figured out how to make tools out of stone. They knew how to make fire and knew which plants they could and couldn’t eat. People today aren’t smarter than their ancestors because they have access to sophisticated tech.
Yes, the same people who couldn’t get past the DNC to get Bernie nominated are certainly going to ge able to redistribute all the wealth.
Don’t you know that we shouldn’t question the wisdom of dead white guys, ever?
You do realize that ‘the means of production’ are all in China right now?
If my grandmother had wheels she’d be a tea trolley.
Right now the reality is the Donald Trump is going to take office because a lot of people didn’t vote for the alternative.
All the ‘what if…?’ games in the world isn’t going to change that.
Look at how the system actually works. There are two choices. Both candidates have to compete for all the people who vote. If you sit out the election that doesn’t mean either candidate will try to get your vote; they’ll ignore you and go after the people who do vote.
Someone else came up with this analogy. It’s like the trolley problem except the there’s a third option. The third choice is to throw the switch to “Neither,” but “Neither” isn’t connected and the trolley kills someone anyway.
Try this story about ‘intelligence’