I would have loved it if he did that.
I would have loved it if he did that.
Nearly beat it, not a great game 5/10.
The environments are nice and fun to explore.
Story is mediocre. Dialog is tiresome, I started button spamming to get through a lot of the conversations that didn’t matter. Combat is nothing remarkable, no matter the weapon combos, and the enemies are just damage sponges with no real tactics necessary to defeat a given enemy. Magic is kind of cool but you have to really spec into mage to get there. The immersion is about as deep as a puddle on flat concrete.
It is one of the games of all time, a game you could not play and miss out on nothing.
Edit: Just beat it, terrible ending that feels like it was tacked on last minute to provide some sort of conclusion.
I have reasonable expectations based on the hubris of people ignorant of both AI and what they use it on.
Anybody that cocky and stupid would never present a simple test of concept as evidence.
They 100% asked AI to make an E commerce or company page.
Mine is definitely a junk drawer of random nonsense that is tens of gigs in size.
I wanted to recover files from an old hard drive for a Linux install I had for about a decade, it was not fun to look through for the handful of files I wanted.
That’s a given, but now he has an entire website in his download dir. So all the scripts, images, child pages, directories, etc. are all over the folder’s contents.
If he tried to publish, he would have to find every single dependancy and upload them, which would then require somebody competent to figure out what he missed.
What I am saying is web devs are safe from AI taking their job, for now.
The cherry on top is that he just made the website in his downloads folder and not a new folder for the project.
It is a whistle(like a referee uses to make a sound) a woman uses if she feels or knows she is going to be harmed in some way so as to call attention to her and hopefully get help with her situation.
Basically, the meme is telling women to shoot their attackers.
We already do with a welfare system that incentivises un(der)employed single mothers with multiple children.
Even a married couple with multiple kids and minimum wage jobs can achieve a higher standard of living with entitlements than a single person with no kids, college education, and a job making above minimum wage.
I am talking about a more advanced AI, not even true AI. LLMs are Temu AI, the name brand stuff is going to wreck the workforce.
Companies are only a few years away from being able to fire the majority of their office workers and replace them with AI.
If you think I am wrong, you fail to understand office work or the rapid pace at which AI is advancing.
Our technological advancement is on the precipice of outpacing our ability to adapt to it; that ends very badly for most people.
Yes, with a respirator.
The problem is that glass absorbs energy to break, polymer deforms to absorb energy. So you have something absorbing energy in two different ways that robs kinetic energy very well.
Even just a normal household double pane window with one thin layer of polymer on both panes will take a long time to bust through with a hammer if the outer polymer is bonded to the frame appropriately. If you put paper tightly between both panes top to bottom, you would be in for a task because the paper reenforces against the deflection the hammer imparts.
You aren’t allowed to use tools with the money case, but ignoring that, you could shoot it with a .50 cal AP round towards the top and almost certainly make it through and then you just hammer and crowbar down to get the cash by peeling away the glass.
The other way you could attack it is to just drive a car at the far side from the support and hopefully peel the glass away from the frame enough to get in.
Even taking a hammer to it would be a laborious task to make any meaningful progress in a reasonable amount of time. A pickaxe would be useful, a framing hammer face less so.
That helps with the glass, but bulletproof glass uses multiple polymer layers and tempered glass layers alternating.
So you would only get through the top glass layer and do nothing to the polymer layers or 2nd layer of glass.
I replied after the update.
That salary range is within reason of base pay for a LEO depending on location.
A dept near me had a job a few years ago with 50k starting rate, city of 60k outside of a major city. Go down south and the Podunk cop may only make 25k.
There are location dependant income incentives, so do not take ICE’s base pay as being a terribly meaningful number.
Some of them definitely will be police that don’t want to move counties or cities because of their bad behavior.
In the subject of the salary, cops typically make 35-50k per year. Some make far more if they are in a big city.
Overtime and side jobs is where they make the big dollars. Quiet night that ends in a shootout or a bad car accident, overtime. Provide security for the high school, may be overtime or a side job. So you can be a first year officer and make over 100k if your base salary and overtime facilitates that.
Departments try to keep overtime in check, but the more crime means more billed time.
Police Training is a constant thing. The academy just teaches you the basics, then you usually get paired with an experienced officer, and then you are on your own. There is some variations on that, but that is fairly common. There are additional classes they can go do for various aspects of the job.
You can see how systemic issues can develope and carry for far longer than department policy.
Psyche evals are not a meaningful way to screen police officers. Yes, you can catch the bad ones, but the worse ones can hide their problems well enough for their issues to fester.
No test because they are hiring current law enforcement. So an applicant would already have gone through police training and testing, how inadequate that may be.
You have to be current LEO to join, so unlikely for them to be so minded.
They are probably worried about them not coming back because they got recruited.