This is also a lie. He did not promote the Republican Party. Words mean something, quit making shit up.
Not even a little in this situation. Maybe take your head out of your ass and stop spreading lies. He literally addressed this head on.
His reply in text form:
It’s the year I was born, and also a lucky number in Taiwan where I am from:
This is the same kind of horseshit opinion that led to the logic of “we don’t negotiate with terrorists.”
There is nothing wrong with trying to find common ground with people you disagree with. Life is not a zero sum game, and I’m sick and tired of all this needless and divisive outrage. Ya’ll need to chill the fuck out and quit attacking everyone that is less than perfect from your perspective.
Despite what TikTok might claim, I’m fairly certain they’ve never actually turned a profit. Data collection, and influencing the American was always the point.