Skype was terrible and the reason that Discord took off.
Skype was terrible and the reason that Discord took off.
The rich don’t care about you.
It looks like an old picture of the fuckwit Vic Mignogna.
That hair… is that who I think it is?
If they do, the mountain would collapse. They should go for it.
The parents are accomplices and they started moving the kids to other countries that don’t speak English.
We also renamed the Cockerel to Rooster.
The Flat Earth Society was founded in 1956.
4chan’s downfall was mainstream media telling everyone that Nazis were on the site, so all the Nazis who were watching mainstream media went to 4chan and without moot running it, they were allowed to fester.
aww. I was enjoying /c/conservative being run on anarchy principles.
Hentai Artists, AO3 writers, Omegaverse… oh Omegaverse.
And if you try to backup, the CCs block you. I got sick of dealing with my local CC, so I tried applying to one a bit further away. The made me take a placement test and refused to let me take a class because I apparently tested out of it. I do not respect placement tests.
I recently tried the local CC again after being assured that I could retake any class at the 4-year that I took at the CC. This time, they required that I declare a major as a freshmen. I did my own research and know which classes I would need for various majors. I was going to select ones that were requirements for a broad selection of majors so I wouldn’t feel like I was putting myself on a rail so early, but they weren’t going to let me do anything without declaring something. It’s such a stupid requirement when you can just switch later anyway, but it feels like it’s designed to cause a sunk-cost fallacy. There’s at least one much better school that refuses to let their incoming students declare a major until after their first semester because they want their students to try various things before deciding on a path.
They need to stop trying to be my life coach and just sell me the classes I want to buy.
If it’s just about employability, sure. You can also just get your GED without dropping out of high school. You can probably just start CC as a summer student with the GED without dropping out of HS. There’s no national database of student transcripts and colleges don’t have the resources to call every HS to see if you may have been a student. A lot of this shit runs off of assumptions and the honor system.
My issue is that this has nothing to do with employability for me.
At one point, I was so desperate to get out of the remedial track, I told the guidance counselors I would drop out and enroll the next year if the classes were “filled up”. They thought I was bluffing and stuck me back in the shit classes. They gave me the shit classes, so I dropped out and before I went back, I got a GED and tried CC. It was terrible. The exact same “Cs get degrees” mentality that made remedial classes so depressing. I went back to HS and got one year of the more advanced classes and got exactly the same grades. Turns out that when you’re not getting bullied by kids with probationary officers, you can handle the more advanced material just fine.
I have one. It’s exactly the same as a HS diploma. Just a path to community college.
No Child Left Behind was designed to defund schools. If it wanted to fix things, poor test results would result in a investigation and overhaul of the district. Instead it just punished the school with less federal funds.
CT has standardized tests that are required to be taken to progress through school
I don’t know about CT, but I deliberately failed one of my state required tests in NJ and they passed me anyway. It’s all theater.
I hope she wins.
I was pigeonholed holed into the remedial track and stonewalled whenever I tried to get out of it. They graduated me without the basic state requirements.
I recently called them just asking for a piece of paper saying that I did not fulfill the requirements and did not properly graduate. They refused me and insisted that I was fine. I did get them to admit that I tested Advance Proficient for science even though I was placed in remedial science.
I just want this piece of (legal)paper so I have one less brainworm while I fix my education for real.
So they did do their research.
What does that even mean?
Most people here would be satisfied with a working website they can access from any browser or OS, mobile or desktop.
Nobody ever goes left after a traumatic brain injury. Same thing with Gary Busey.