I think tiktok should probably be banned, but I think that “it’s ok because the chinese government does it” is a pretty flimsy argument.
I think tiktok should probably be banned, but I think that “it’s ok because the chinese government does it” is a pretty flimsy argument.
I mean they’re also banning chinese networking hardware, chinese phone manufacturers, chinese software in cars, considering banning chinese drones, potentially banning tencent games, etc etc
I’m feeling pretty confident that the goal here is banning chinese spying considering all the other bans.
One of the Egypt stories involved men following a woman back to her hotel room, and she had to lock herself inside. They continued to come to her hotel everyday, and bang on her door telling her to let them in. She ended up spending the whole trip stuck in that room, feeling unsafe to leave until she finally got an escort to make it to her flight home.
Unfortunately in cases like that, it really sounds like it goes beyond something you can be adult about and just ignore. I think her main mistake was not doing better research about where it was safe to travel as an unaccompanied woman, as much as I wish that wasn’t a concern.
Yeah I fully get the idea. A lot of racism is ignorance and fear. Humans are bad to take limited experiences of each other and assume that’s the whole experience. When you don’t have your own experiences with a different people, it’s easy to latch onto stories of how bad they can be and form your whole opinion around that. The best counter to that is to have good experiences instead, preferably through friendship.
But some cultures/etc make for a bad travel experience, and that will create or reinforce negative opinions. Living there longer is probably better, but the fact that racism still exists in mixing pot countries like the US proves that living together isn’t enough to make relationships good.
May not work in all cases, seems like everyone that goes to egypt to see the pyramids comes back hating egyptians.
I’ve seen discussions where the topic was something like “Where did you travel to that you would never go back to again”, and the responses there heavily implied that travel can inspire racism.
I feel like Microsoft is way more shameless about their shady stuff. They’ve been messing around with impersonating google/chrome for awhile now, they recently had that thing where they would copy all your open chrome tabs, and then when you started your computer it would open edge with all your chrome tabs to trick people into using edge instead.
Yes I’ve seen it before. Once Microsoft even updated their virus definitions to auto-delete the chrome installer when downloaded. Thankfully they reversed that one pretty quickly, but I had to completely disable all Windows virus protection to install chrome for a relative.
That’s true, and that’s why so many internet censorship it spying bills are officially to counter pedophiles.
Banning tiktok is clearly controversial though, and I honestly don’t think it’s trying to soften people up to the government banning social media.