I think a primary necessity for communal ownership is social accountability. The point at which it breaks down is when neglecting the common item becomes “someone elses problem” due to the group being sufficiently large.
I think a primary necessity for communal ownership is social accountability. The point at which it breaks down is when neglecting the common item becomes “someone elses problem” due to the group being sufficiently large.
I unironically have several folks around who’ve moved over to OpenSUSE after me.
Criminally underrated, now if only they could get the board in order…
Nuclear isn’t dispatchable.
This statement is false.
“A dispatchable source of electricity refers to an electrical power system, such as a power plant, that can be turned on or off; in other words they can adjust their power output supplied to the electrical grid on demand. Most conventional power sources such as coal or nuclear power plants are dispatchable in order to meet the always changing electricity demands of the population. In contrast, many renewable energy sources are intermittent and non-dispatchable, such as wind power or solar power which can only generate electricity while their primary energy flow is input on them.”
Source: EnergyEducation.ca (Provided by the University of Calgary)
Either you don’t know what you’re talking about, or are actively deceptive. I sincerely hope it is the prior. As such, I suggest that you educate yourself on the topic before commenting further to avoid spreading disinformation.
The main argument for nuclear is not its individual cost, neither for remewables. The main argument is that we need to rid ourselves of fossil fuels.
When planning for a future global energy system w/o fossil fuels, nuclear power has a key role to play as the most reliable source of clean, dispatchable electricity. This allows it to punch far above its equivalent capacity by massively reduce the need for expensive grid scale storage solutions.
Source 1: IEA (2019), Nuclear Power in a Clean Energy System, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/nuclear-power-in-a-clean-energy-system, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Source 2: NEA (2019), The Costs of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables, OECD Publishing, Paris https://www.oecd-nea.org/jcms/pl_15000
Please do stay!
Yeah, a lot of the fediverse has an extreme left slant, and that’s coming from someone living in a rather left-leaning country.
As someone who jumped the reddit ship during the blackout protest and has been here ever since, mostly out of principle, it has slowly been getting better as more people filter in.
I’m not, but German grid mismanagement is a major contributor to the crisis in our country.
Y’all seriously need to stabilize your grid so that it can handle a bit of unpredictable weather without causing electricity price spikes across the entire European electricity market.
Happens more often than you may realize. Someone being “correct” on a topic in an objective sense is good, but that doesn’t necessarily outweigh their flaws. Also worth keeping in mind that “left” or “right” ideology can mean very different things in different parts of the world.
An easy example from my own country - our left wing worked hard to shut down functioning nuclear power plants with plenty of time left to run whilst the right wanted to preserve them. Left largely got their way on the issue, and now we’re in an electricity crisis due to a lack of dispatchable capacity.
Think for yourself, consider ideas & statements based on their own merits rather than judging them by who is embracing them at the current moment. A century ago it was the Democratic party pushing jim crow laws in the US and the RNC were championing civil rights.
Yup, fact is a majority of people in thd US agree on many of the most important issue, yet the governing structure seeks to “otherize” people from each other as much as possible in order to prevent meaningful discourse and foster division.
So the farmers will have to pay their workers a liveable wage?
How terrible…
Labor scarcity drives innovation & increases standards of living by driving up the value that workers can demand in exchange for their time. It’s simple economics.
Not exactly.
There is very much a symbiotic relationship between the company and the community, even if the latter is more an oblique blob of FOSS projects.
You can get a smidge of insight by having a looksie here: