You don’t mess with my stuff, I don’t ask questions and leave the key in the outdoor faucet. Please turn it off when you’re done.
You don’t mess with my stuff, I don’t ask questions and leave the key in the outdoor faucet. Please turn it off when you’re done.
So how does one person, not born into the starting conditions that make gaining this level of power easy, gain sufficient power to prevent or deter use of power against them?
A reminder this was during a time period we all collectively agreed to ignore Arnold’s accent for narrative purposes.
Was an X-Files episode
Apparently it can also cause a break up when your SO decides they don’t like your family.
People getting wise to the military. Many would defend their country, but don’t want to die for an oil company to make an extra thousand. Guessing which is more likely is left as an exercise for the reader.
This is also my take: any person can set up an image generator and churn any content they want. Focus should be on actual people being trafficed and abused.