Good old american craftsmanship
Good old american craftsmanship
That’s so /r/funny
I just want to see a lifehack that doesn’t make my eyes roll.
Only if they somehow kill eachother simultaneously.
Yeah but first he claimed he would win if he trains and there is a reason for weight classes and shit. Just how he claims he was once the best quake player, one of the best diablo and pathfinder players. He tells the pettyest of all lies that i find it yard to imagine he himself knows what’s true anymore.
Follow the law of the land ten and pack your things motherfucker.
America would blow up a fusion reacto, call it dangerous, elon musk has a lot of things to say about it and then it would be illegal worldwide. Have you guys heard about coal? We already fixed it, just burn coal.
That’s the whole argument after every school shooting.
Which one was his last one. I liked paper tiger. His podcast is alright, i listened to it for a while, it just seemed a bit pointless to listen to every single week.
How many blasting is a torching. I can’t keep up
Squeeze the people who don’t cheat. What are they gonna do about it?
Hmm this guy paid a lot of yaxes. Why doesn’t he pay more?
Well yeah they were american.
And when they come, oh boy do they roll over and give it to them.
How much slamming is one blasting?
It’s all good, he knows a lot about nuclear.
Quick, censor the funny t-shirt, some americans can read and they might get very upset.
I remember back when you would read every day a new headlin on how they really got him now. Making hell for him apparently means not kissing his feet.
If they could read they would be really upset to hear that.