if (error) {
if (error) {
Reminds me of a relatively funny joke:
Why do photons have insomnia? Because they have no rest frame.
It’s 20 years for us, but for the photon, no time passes from being ejected from the photosphere to hitting the cow’s retina.
Children are only holy when inside the belly. Once they come out, all bets are off.
Usually, there isn’t really that much divisiveness in conservative politics because they are, well, not progressive at all. Progress fundamentally comes with finding new ways of dealing with issues and bringing awareness to ignored topics, so the progressives always have to discuss and debate to find the way forward. Conservatives don’t, they just infight sometimes if they feel they got sidelined as to show power.
Starting with Java 21 (I think), they’ve introduced ignored variables, so you can now actually do this:
try { operation(); } catch (Exception _) { // nice weather, eh? }
Edit: forgot that this is about JS lel