Jokes aside, it’s sorta crazy any migrant settling from a place other than Cuba would take up residence in Florida.
Jokes aside, it’s sorta crazy any migrant settling from a place other than Cuba would take up residence in Florida.
The evil don’t follow the advice they give to the masses.
The tone of the next 4 years
Welp, I guess we all know the next scapegoats for all of America’s problems that were actually caused by rich people.
Reshape sorta implies the same volume. Our government research will be outsourced to the highest bidder. RFK has already silently shifted away from big pharma talking points to anti-scientist and grant talking points. Much like the entire cabinet and Trump himself, any and all previous emotional boogeymen will be quickly replaced by the working class as talk becomes actions. What else would you expect from a gaggle of billionaires currently surveying their new investment.
It’s odd that Jizzstain Maxwell is in the circles, but that is generally just how a society that rewards nepotism above all else operates.