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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Notice you said a president can’t create a new agency, then said Obama did. He didn’t create it, the 114th Congress did. Both the Senate and the House were Republican majority when it was created. So it is true if Obama didn’t want it he could have tried to veto it, but the only way it could have been created was by a majority vote.

    Something possibly worth noting as well: “This bill directs the President to continue to operate, for FY2017-FY2026, the United States Digital Service as such program operated using funds made available under the Information Technology Oversight and Reform account in division E of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016.” -H.R.5372

    DOGE may be auto defunded after Fiscal Year 2026 unless the Congress/Senate push through a continuation which undoubtedly they should be able to get approved being that they hold the house and Senate majority again.

  • The point of the copied text was to point out those workers were not newly hired and realizing they didn’t want to participate in bad acts, they were employees that existed prior to this administration and quit because they didn’t want to take part in bad acts.

    At no point do we hear that the employees worked for that company for at least 9 years, meaning that Obama starting the US Digital Service office is irrelevant. They could have started 2 years ago, 7 years ago or 9 years ago, that information is unknown so to tie it to the Obama Administration was chosen for a reason. I don’t say the IRS started by the Abraham Lincoln has seen the O’Donnell resignation unless I am specifically trying to call attention to Lincoln.

    It’s just a weird choice to bring it up