He reportedly did a tweet mocking people for calling him Hitler (which I saw elsewhere since I’m not a user of his site). Incredibly, of all people, the ADL also chirped out the same “it was an accident” line as the media.
Lost some. Won some.
He reportedly did a tweet mocking people for calling him Hitler (which I saw elsewhere since I’m not a user of his site). Incredibly, of all people, the ADL also chirped out the same “it was an accident” line as the media.
Yeah guys, find a non-hardboiled egg snipping area.
Reads like they’re covertly lamenting multiple states requiring IDs for online porn sites.
If it’s true he was on the outs with the online neo-nazi crowd because of the H1B visas thing, this might have been a way he was trying to get back in their good graces.
*and whose maternal grandparents were nazis
The Anti-Defamation League is an influential NGO that’s supposed to fight antisemitism. Probably because Trump has repeatedly shown a fondness for Netanyahu, they’re apparently throwing Jewish people under the bus to sweep this under the rug.
*edit - Just occurred to me that might’ve been a joke. Doesn’t hurt to have this up for those who don’t know tho.