If computers can do it, so can you!
Your average science guy, Linux nerd, and Minecraft player. Left Reddit for this place and haven’t looked back. :)
If computers can do it, so can you!
George Orwell’s 1984 becomes more of a reality every day.
I think it’s useful to quickly check if a user is trolling, but you can always just look at their recent activity.
Lmao, did anyone expect something different? Never buy a product that becomes a brick when the company that made it goes under.
Generally yes, but if you spill it it can be very hard to clean up, and if you don’t clean it up it’ll evaporate over the course of decades and poison you slowly.
If you want a safer and cheaper (though less heavy) option, I can shoot you a DM once I start making mercury ampules.
But are they virgin couch cushions?
Yeah it’s a shame it’s so dangerous. You can get alloys like Galinstan that are liquid at room temperature, but they tend to stick to stuff and aren’t nearly as dense.
I bought it from this guy, $236 for a bottle. Please only buy it if you know what you’re doing, as it is very bad for the environment and your health if it’s spilled or handled improperly.
Of course, I will be very careful when handling it.
I’m planning to make small ampules of mercury and sell them to recoup some of the cost. But yes, the cool factor was a big part of it. :P
I’ve always wanted some, and an opportunity to purchase it arose. Set me back almost $500 but it’s a pretty good deal considering how hard it is to get ahold of.
Mercury has a density 13.5x that of water, making a small amount of mercury surprisingly heavy! (And making these bottles feel very weird to hold).
Just wait until webcams start cryptographically signing image frames to ensure their authenticity.
Doesn’t need to be forward and up, just forward, orbital physics is fun that way. And yeah, even if all ~1200 kg of air in the ISS’s pressurized volume escaped at the speed of sound (completely unrealistic overestimate), the station’s velocity change would be around 1 m/s, which is only enough to decrease its orbit by a kilometer or two.
Can they buy Minnesota too? Or can Canada annex us? Anyone? Please?
Link to the script? I’d love to give it a try.
Yep, on my machine it just says bash: /: Is a directory
Making Win 11 even harder to install is a bold move from Microsoft. Most average users are content with using the OS that comes with their PC and upgrading it when necessary. But if the option is to either buy a new PC or fiddle with registry settings in hope that Win 11 will work, I think a lot more people will start looking at Linux instead.
Just shove a 3 in there somewhere, it’ll do something I promise!
I just rip my songs from Spotify. It’s not the highest quality, but it’s easy to find stuff and I wrote a little script to quickly download lists of tracks and albums so it’s pretty convenient.