Yes, but it also makes the experience worse for people that aren’t invested in the ecosystem because of privacy or similar reasons.
If I’m using an app that allows quotes, but my friend isn’t and wants to quote a post, they’re going to be annoyed.
Yes, but it also makes the experience worse for people that aren’t invested in the ecosystem because of privacy or similar reasons.
If I’m using an app that allows quotes, but my friend isn’t and wants to quote a post, they’re going to be annoyed.
Neat bit of work finding the issue.
What’s the advantage of static container IPs? I’ve never thought about that in all my time using docker.
Veeam endpoint free version is nice because it doesn’t require a reboot.
I can’t automate full disk backups as I can’t run dd reliably from a system that is itself already running.
Can’t you do a snapshot like VSS does on windows and back that up on a running system? I assume with a filesystem that supports snapshots that would be possible.
Feedly does a great job of that.
Thats a good example of the UX issues, when only 1 specific app supports a feature.
Closest thing I know of is Wordpress with a static site export plugin.
There are static site generators like Hugo but they are not a drag and drop editor.
Panasonic provides the software for free for their cameras. Still only 720p but at least you’re not paying for it.