The current administration doesn’t care about EVs. Musk doesn’t even care about Tesla. He’ll steal the cash lost using DOGE… or just get other kickbacks and assurances.
The current administration doesn’t care about EVs. Musk doesn’t even care about Tesla. He’ll steal the cash lost using DOGE… or just get other kickbacks and assurances.
I don’t buy Jack Daniels, but I’m gonna not buy Jack Daniels even harder now.
I’m also not buying any bourbon for the foreseeable future.
Recently got Swear Jar Canadian Whisky. Haven’t tried it yet. Any good? I feel like I’m gonna need the jar after it’s empty.
Someone commented that it was the smell they were comparing… not the taste. I like peaty smell so didn’t make sense.
They seem like different animals to me. I wouldn’t compare the two.
I can’t speak of higher end Jack, but Laphroaig base is far better than Jack base.
59% are morons. The other 41% are just idiots.
You shouldn’t judge someone for having a grass fetish. They have wants and needs like anyone else.
When the lawn gets cut, which activates its distress signal with that sweet fresh fragrance… OP can’t help but get off on that.
I buy the correct way and it’s been working okay so far. The moment something is taken away, I’ll get it back another way.
Even though physical discs are superior, with audio especially, I really don’t have room to store all the things I want.
I saw the article before somewhere on my newsfeed and didn’t click on it. Until we get some kind of new type of technology, flying cars will always be planes or drone that kinda looks like a car.
I wouldn’t trust these three to run a Wendy’s.
Wait until he learns about FDR and his third and fourth terms. That’s what he’ll use as his reasoning.
You can technically play Avowed in third person view, but I understand your point.
I hope that in 2032 the asteroid will hit precisely onto Mar-A-Lago… though the odds have been recently downgraded. Can’t have anything nice. At least it’ll be underwater by the end of the century, if not sooner.
I thought he was only going to be a dictator for one day. That’s what he said. Unless… wait… unless he was lying. 😲
Well, Tim Allen offends me whenever I hear his comedy.
Go Woody!
I was so looking forward to that game. Once I found out it was basically just a multiplayer experience, my interest dropped. Still haven’t played it.
The problem with many games and movies nowadays is that the gatekeepers are people who don’t really have creative/artistic background. They are business people who make decisions on whatever they think makes the company the most money.
A.I. has its issues and controversy, but I feel like creative people who can’t get through the blocked doors of these business types will go on their own and create wonderful things with the technology. I guess time will tell.
His initials and his birth year. Ugh. What a douche.