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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Honestly, this is a strawman. There are so many reasons this is bad, we don’t have to pretend they are logically inconsistent if they aren’t actually. If you believe taxes should only be used for national defense/sovereignty/enforcing individual liberties on a national scale, then that is completely consistent. I’m not saying it’s good, but if people are here illegally and their kids are getting free public education, then they are using resources “meant for Americans/legal residents” and they are “stealing” them. Wanting to stop that isn’t inconsistent with not wanting M4A. M4A is good, and what Trump is doing is bad, but it’s bad policy, not inconsistent.

  • Maybe I’m too peace pilled for this, but I really don’t get tankies or anyone who simps for any government. Like, I have no personal problem with people from any country, so why can’t we all just be chill and not slob on the knob of governments. All governments have done bad stuff. The us had literal slaves. Really wish governments would just come out and say “yo, we messed up a lot, don’t take it out on other people though”. And then we could all just hug and eat cake or whatever. This is only tangentially related to your comment, but I’m just sick of people doing government posturing for the government so I’m just gonna leave the comment anyway. Hope you have a great day.

  • Wow, you weren’t kidding. $4 a can is a bit rich for my blood, but I will take your word that they’re good cuz I don’t know how else they can stay in business like that. I buy tea for my family by the gallon and it’s less than $4 vs an equivalent $32 worth of cans if I did the math right. It seems like they’re only available offline at Nordstrom. Hope you’re able to find them locally.

  • I’ve never heard of or seen that before. Thank you for passing along your white whale lol. Now I need it too. Tbh, all their flavors are pretty good if you haven’t tried the others, I’d suggest giving them a shot. My local grocery store (it’s very local so not naming it so I don’t dox myself) has a very good alternative store brand. I like berry flavors, and their in house brand is just as good as polar if not better. Worth trying your local store brand just in case you get lucky and find a new favorite!

  • Honestly, the thing I miss most about reddit is the volume of people that had already been to a post and either downvoted garbage like that or meaningfully added to the discussion to the point where it’d be drowned out already. This person is spreading misinformation. Cori Bush (who incidentally lost to a pro-Israel democrat) and AOC both vocally supported Kamala, so they’re just wrong in addition to being pro genocide.

  • FWIW, that last comment was actually not intended to be sarcastic. I agree with you. The lmao was directed at the idea that next time the electorate will massively shift towards good people with good aims. I didn’t wanna not respond, but I didn’t have much to add, so I thought I’d top it off by saying I agree with you, but it obviously came across the wrong way. Trust me, would love to see some radical change, but unfortunately I know the direction it’s going to actually happen in. Good luck out there. We’re all gonna need it.

  • That’s a lot of words to say “politics bad.” I’m not disagreeing, I was just responding to your question/comment. You keep asking questions as if the answer isn’t right there. It doesn’t matter if it’s antithetical to the institution. They don’t care about the institution. They care about staying in power. If dismantling democracy is the best way to ensure that, they will do it. You can dislike it, but this seems like a weird time to air your grievance with politics as a whole, seeing as this is an instance of an elected politician taking an action his base wants and that he said he would take.

    Would love to see dems do that more tbh.

  • Well, your initial comment just took issue with the quid pro quo nature of the exchange, and I was just pointing out that it’s how politics is done. But just for fun, I’ll bite. Generally, these alliances are between parties that have closely aligned values. You see this kind of thing in Europe more than the US just due to the different systems in place, but like most politics it’s all about votes. If you’re part of a coalition and something will upset a large enough group of your overall base to get you replaced, you don’t do it regardless of who wants it. If you’re in some crazy situation where you’re gonna get replaced regardless because the coalition is 50/50 and 50% will be upset regardless, I can imagine deferring to your party line on the issue makes the most sense since that’s your general voter base going forward so you want to keep them happy for next time around in case you can find someone else to coalition with. If Rs want church in schools and libertarians want to get rid of schools, Trump can get rid of schools and say churches now can act as schools no oversight needed. Two birds one stone. Otherwise, if there’s no way to accomplish both, he can just do what Rs want because we have a two party system and really what are the libertarians going to do? Move to new Hampshire again? Lol.