I think you meant to type Emperor For Life
I think you meant to type Emperor For Life
Well he does have a large part of the solution. Not in his mind, in his hoard. End the payment limit, take the tax percentages back to the Reagan years, and he and the other billionaires would be funding it without breaking a sweat.
If only the “pro-life” Trump voters actually cared about the lives of children.
With cats isn’t alone. Also cats might be your “in” depending on the woman, and you don’t want any woman who doesn’t like cats anyway. You can probably think of a few things you can say (or ask) about your cats to the women you know at work, it’s a safe topic that also says reassuring things about you. Even share a few pics of their antics, checking the backgrounds beforehand to be sure there’s nothing you would have put away if they were coming over. Obviously it’s just a start, but good companions start as friends.
So, submit a completely redacted list of 5 bullet points? Isn’t everything the Pentagon does potentially sensitive and related to national security?
Congratulations, friend!
Tone of voice makes a difference. The scarf and especially the bag aren’t associated with body parts, which is better when it’s a man to women. He should compliment men as well. As a woman, I can say “Cute shoes!” without coming off fetishy, might not be so easy for a guy. Also, guy to guy, “wow, looks like you could run so fast in those shoes!” could be nice and funny, but frightening guy-to-girl. Sadly, a young woman can hardly compliment a young man without risking him hearing “I will fuck you” instead of whatever she really said. And being angry because she “led him on.” But now I’m old, I can. Still keeping it uncreepy of course, because most young guys don’t want to feel leered at by saggy old ladies. Always keep the power/age/gender dynamic in mind and imagine being the other before opening your mouth.
Cool, but for a different kind of victory, go for the slow deliberate blink. And hold it closed for a second before opening. To a cat this says, “I’m so not scared of you I can close my eyes.” Which translates to “I like you and we can trust each other, in this moment at least.” Try it a couple times, see if you can get them to blink back.
Also more water, with your potassium.
One reason it was rushed through is that Trump keeps pulling Republican reps for other jobs, slicing into their majority. Like the ambassador-to-be they haven’t approved because they needed her vote.
He won’t need to run. He’ll just cancel the Presidential election. By then he’ll be Emperor anyway.
Any time Trump jokes, it’s the camel’s nose under the tent.
Should we be shaming him for his genderhumanoid-affirming care?
Now that makes a lot more sense than the way they worded it.
Unfortunately not gonna happen under this Reich.
Laws against not having an address? That just (further) criminalizes poverty.
Guess what? It’s also a really good way to help install/enforce a tyrannical government.
He keeps everything he can get his greedy little hands on to himself. And he accuses others of every single one of his crimes. He doesn’t care if you believe it, only that it will help his supporters disbelieve the truth about him
Many reservations are far from the original habitat of the people living in them, (see Trail of Tears) so the food materials for their original cuisine can’t be found or grown
Oh I don’t know, maybe it will get some people to read it that need to have that point made to them.
Tbf, the media they consume is full of fake news. When challenged, they even say themselves that they are just “entertainment”!