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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • First of all let me make this absolutely clear, docker is not expected to be secure to that level. While they try to make it hard for someone to escape a container, it’s not their main concern so expect that there are vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to escape.

    Now the second thing, the Overseer login screen might be secure enough for your case, the problem is that login is hard to do right, and Overseer are doing several other stuff as well, so they might not give it enough emphasis, and even if they do, maybe Immich devs don’t, or any one of the dozens of other services, so there are dozen of possible points of failure. Things like Authelia or Google OAuth are focused on authentication, so they do that absolutely right, and then they become the only point of failure for authentication.

    To be fair, if you keep things updated it’s unlikely not having auth would be a problem. Mostly because most hackers won’t even know of your server to begin with. And most systems are secure enough for most casual hacks. But it’s an investment worth the time if you plan on making something available to the internet.

  • I’ll try to ELI5, if there’s something you don’t understand ask me.

    Op has a home server where he’s running immich, that’s only accessible when he’s at home via the IP, so something like, so he installed Tailscale on that server. Tailscale is a VPN (Virtual Private Network) that allows you to connect to your stuff remotely, it’s a nice way to do it because it is P2P (peer-to-peer) which means that in theory only he can access that network, whereas if he were using one of the many VPNs people use for other reasons, other people on the same VPN could access his server.

    Ok, so now he can access his immich instance away from home, all he has to do is connect to the VPN on his phone or laptop and he’ll be able to access it with something like http://my_server:3000 since Tailscale adds a DNS (Domain Name System) which resolves the hostnames to whatever IP they have on the Tailscale network.

    But if you want to give your family access it’s hard to explain to them that they need to connect to this VPN, so he rented a VPS (Virtual Private Server) on some company like DigitalOcean or Vultr and connected that machine to the Tailscale network. He probably also got a domain name from somewhere like namecheap, and pointed that domain name to his VPS. Só now he can access his VPS by using ssh user@myserver.com. Now all he needs to do is have something on the VPS which redirects everything that comes to a certain address into the Tailscale machine, Caddy is a nice way to do this, but the more traditional approach is ngnix, so if he puts Caddy on that VPS a config like this:

    immich.myserver.com {
        handle {
            reverse_proxy my_server.tailscale.network.name:3000

    Then any requests that come to https://immich.myserver.com/ will get redirected to the home server via Tailscale.

    It is a really nice setup, plus OP also added authentication and some other stuff to make it a bit more secure against attacks directly on immich.

  • It’s not required, but probably OP has a home server with Immich and a VPS which exposes it to the internet. In that setup you need Tailscale for the VPS to access your home server. Sometimes you can’t directly expose your home server for different reasons, e.g. ISP doesn’t give you an external IP directly (I’ve had this, where my router would get a 10.x IP so I couldn’t port forward because the internet IP was being shared between multiple houses), or the ISP gives you a dynamic IP so there’s no guarantee that your IP won’t change next time you reset the router, etc.

    Also it provides an extra layer of separation, so for example a DDOS would hit the VPS which probably has automatic countermeasures, and even if someone were to gain access to the VPS they still need an extra jump to get to the home server (obviously if they exploit something on immich they would get direct access to the home server).