It wouldn’t matter because the Senate will just pretend like he’s a reasonable nominee regardless of his past actions or current beliefs.
It wouldn’t matter because the Senate will just pretend like he’s a reasonable nominee regardless of his past actions or current beliefs.
It’s a reference to the Ship of Theseus thought experiment
I don’t know, the second ship looks like it’s had some bits replaced with after-market parts…
Under normal circumstances with everyday people, I try to make generous assumptions and “never ascribe to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.”
But in the case of the Democratic party, I have a hard time believing that everybody in the Democratic leadership is that stupid, which leaves only the possibility that their continued failure is intentional
Seven Tenets for life, friend! Card-carrying member over here, and yes, I too distance myself from the leadership. But that’s the thing; flawed people can still have a positive impact on the world
No, they don’t believe him; they just don’t care and this gives them plausible deniability