I am happy to be Austrian enough to know way too many words to describe the act of mating:
Ficken, Flachlegen, Reiten, Draufsteigen, Schnackseln, Drüberfahren, Gspiatl’n, Beinand liegen, Brettln, Rödeln, Rackeln, Pempern, Durchnehmen, Tschentschen, Gegenseitig) beglücken, Fleischprüfen, Stecken und stecken lassen, in‘d Kistn hupf‘n, einheizen, Beischlaf vollziehen, Liebestätigkeiten nachgehen, Sich vereinen, den Akt vollziehen, Nudeln, ins Brunzfleisch einepfuiteifln, gfeichtln
That took longer than expected.
One of my favorites was definitely Kororinpa (Wii) Yes, the Wii is now considered retro. It is now older than the NES was when the Wii first was released.
Go-to #1 is definitely the r/piracy megathread. My personal #2 is a 2gb/s external SSD and a dedicated exe-downloading laptop.
Piracy is the first thing that comes to my mind when a game is georestriced or the performance is lowered due to copy protection stuff. I don’t even feel bad about it. The company wouldn’t have made any money from me whatsoever.
My girl almost never plays games. I bought her the ps5 with Hogwarts Legacy. She did like the atmosphere and such, but the story felt very rushed towards the end, the ending was unsatisfying, the world started off cool but got a choreful minefield afterwards.
I only played the tutorial.