90s middle school: same urban legend, except it was 1 gallon from Gwen Stefani.
90s middle school: same urban legend, except it was 1 gallon from Gwen Stefani.
Van Halen’s road crew confirmed that. They also confirmed that, without exception, if the M&Ms were wrong, there were other major problems. And when I say major, it’s on the level of “people would have died” if they had continued with the show.
There’s only a single decent quality video of the first plane on 9/11. Because in a city of millions of people, only 1 person in the area was recording at the time.
I can’t even imagine how many videos there would be if it happened today.
The only reason that Nixon resigned was because he was informed, in no uncertain terms, that he would be impeached and formally removed from office. The House and Senate had secured the votes. He was prepared to be impeached if he could’ve stayed in office.
That’s… Not how this works.
The powers that be only look at a few charts, and a few data points on each.
The big one is sales over time, possibly broken down to gross vs net revenue (i.e. profit)
The next will be the amount that customers use AI. Could be a binary “interacted at all”, measured in interactions, or by time.
The final MIGHT be % of interactions that led to a sale.
The ONLY way to fight AI (or anything else that corporations do that you object to) is to stop or reduce buying from places that use it.