If I didn’t need a large amount of storage I’d totally do this. As it stands it’s hard or prohibitively expensive to get 30TB of storage connected to a laptop with reasonable read/write speeds.
If I didn’t need a large amount of storage I’d totally do this. As it stands it’s hard or prohibitively expensive to get 30TB of storage connected to a laptop with reasonable read/write speeds.
Remember when Google aquired YouTube and stated they didn’t intend to change anything? Remember when the only ads were those little banners you had to close? We’ve come such a long ways from where we started and what is considered “sane” these days would have been an affront back then. Google truly did slow boil the frog.
Reminds me of that time I updated my UEFI firmware which automatically re-enabled secure boot which caused my Nvidia driver to fail to load on boot because Nvidia doesn’t sign them so I was stuck with the noveau(spelling?) driver which would crash when I tried to log into my DE. What an adventure figuring that out was. Oh, and the cherry on top: updating the firmware didn’t fix the initial issue I was troubleshooting.