can you explain why? cuz that doesnt make sense to me
can you explain why? cuz that doesnt make sense to me
wouldnt that mean itll affect blue states the most? they cant break whats already broken, but can surely break that which works well
are you retarded?
looking at americas voting results, theyre probably right
china slowly but surely becoming the world leader. honestly wouldnt mind if they werent in the cahoots with dictators and countries like russia/north korea
oh i see now. thanks.
i dont understand, isnt this graph showing that 2/3 of democrats dont understand how taxes work vs only 1/3 of republicans? wouldnt correct mean that yes, your tax bill goes up?
yeah i guess most people never even thought about how jesus would have been black back then. most modern depictions of him are white for some reason. funny how that works