Everything you do or don’t do is a political statement. Do you think you can somehow exist in a bubble where politics is something that happens to someone else? How naive.
A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming
Everything you do or don’t do is a political statement. Do you think you can somehow exist in a bubble where politics is something that happens to someone else? How naive.
If Proton does not refer to the Steam’s Windows adapter layer for Linux, I don’t care.
Geany FTW!
So they are marketing this to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum fans? It seems powerful enough, we only use 256x192 with 16 colors (two of which are black).
Good job, Microsoft!
I’m glad someone focuses on the important facts. The way they are sitting sideways to the TV will surely give them sore necks.
Holy rabbit hole, Batman! Very interesting article if you’re a typography geek.
Tradition. You can’t go around breaking traditions, now can you, minister?
These greedy muthas can’t even name stuff without robbing someone else’s names.
That’s what I like about it.
David Bowie died, that’s what happened.
This is the way.
Thank you for the first link, kind stranger.
Looks like PatientGamers’ membership numbers will be on the rise soon.
I’d just like to get back the time I spent installing the strong cypher pack for Java 7.
Yeah, that worked beautifully the last time they did it. At the time it was encryption tech and the result was millions of apps with weak cyphers by default.
Two can play that game. I bet it is possible to create an AI tool that generates and posts Mario pictures faster than they can take them down. Why you’d want to do that I don’t know.
I find Half-Life and Portal are some of the best games ever made regarding world building, story telling and general addictiveness.
I keep coming back because I’ve never found any other game like those.
Looks like nobody can or is willing to do decent printers anymore. I’ll run my Laserjet 1100 till it dies, then I’m done with printing.