•Which Keepass Android app to use? (KeepassDX vs Keepass2Android?)
15 hours agoThat’s what Arthur describes: you’re comparing from my point of view two non issues against each other.
If you don’t have the profile that either warrants:
- Google would risk business revenue by having to handle a mittm attack done by them or
- someone investing in an elaborate scheme to get a fingerprint copy
And that being worth it instead of just getting you personally is a very specific threat model where I lack the fantasy on what would warrant that.
Or to give the relevant xkcd:
And to answer your specific question: I personally went with keepass2android and have neither issues nor concerns so far.
Oh yeah I agree with that and s good point! Google Play Store is convenient but… Well I circumvent it where possible, more due to the tracking mania but your points added to my sensitivity,so thank you!