Hehe, you could say that reply was done with much… celerity.
Hehe, you could say that reply was done with much… celerity.
He’s holding a bean in his other hand. Presumably, he doubles as a scale.
He also flies sometimes.
It’s so super, it’s 10x normal math.
Yes. The power to do literally anything would allow one to do this.
Math checks out.
I dunno, I’m not a fan of this sentiment. Music tastes are personal, it’s okay to think, “nah, music of this country isn’t really for me,” because music of a given country will often have certain elements that won’t appeal to everyone. It’s not like you’re uncultured or being unfair for it. And you don’t necessarily have to give it a good try first because you’re probably exposed to it anyways. Any stranger on the street can probably think of an example (though not necessarily a whole song) if you bring up Spanish music, Indian music, K-pop, etc…
The language bit I get, but some people prefer songs where they can understand the lyrics, and that’s also okay. I’m sort of one of those people, though in my case it’s more “I want to have a general idea what’s being said because if it’s a good song I’ll want to sing along and I don’t want to unknowingly say something obscene,” so it doesn’t stop me from listening to foreign songs as long as I can screen the lyrics.