In case you can’t tell, I’m passionate about rationality and critical thinking.

However, I still appreciate a freshly-baked π.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2024


  • Thank you! I was literally just thinking that.

    I also can’t let go of how they say every decision is backed “by data.” But then what is their data source for using corporal punishment? “I saw lions and tigers use it.”

    So they think “anecdotes” are the same as “data”? AND that wild predator behaviors are suitable role models for human behaviors? Oh. Oh dear. Oh no.

  • Industry Americus

    That’s the grossest name I’ve ever heard. Look, I’m not even getting into the “Americus” part. Sure, that is… well, it’s not a name I would’ve picked. But more importantly, it follows the word Industry, and whether alone or paired to American industries specifically, the images conjured up from that word are far from pleasant.

    I picture smoke stacks belching into smoggy, yellow skies. I see poisoned streams flowing through dying ecosystems. I see tired workers being overworked and exploited.

    What a great name for a cute little baby to be burdened with.