EVISCERATES, DECAPITATES, DEFENESTRATES, SLAMS……snore. Wake me up when there’s actual opposition to the slide into authoritarianism. We’re totally boned until we organize and push back against oligarchs.
EVISCERATES, DECAPITATES, DEFENESTRATES, SLAMS……snore. Wake me up when there’s actual opposition to the slide into authoritarianism. We’re totally boned until we organize and push back against oligarchs.
That’s missing the point. He’s an authoritarian and will destroy everything with what time he has left.
It’s got Elon, so it must be Technology. ;)
…or off-brand hip-hop crunch cereal.
It won’t matter. They’ll vote along party lines, and Democrats refuse to play dirty. Democracy ends in a week.
Edit: people are wondering if I’m referring to specifically American democracy. No, I am not. Trump and his oligarchy have no respect for borders and norms, such as NATO, and will be interfering in any democracy that gets in his way of total domination. It’s Nazi Germany, but with iPhones, Teslas, and Facebook to soften the beachhead.
Snow Crash is a fantastic book.
So, Vine?
Haha, imagine being Merrick Garland, carrying Trump’s water for years, and still winding up on the enemy list. Jesus, he was such a miserable pick by Biden. Had Trump been prosecuted, no one would be in a position of power to execute that enemy list.