He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Gender is a struct

    struct Gender {
      byte binaryBias;    ///Determines male (+) or female (-) bias if present
      ubyte binaryAm;    ///Determines the amount of binary gender(s) present
      bool isTrans;    ///True if assigned at birth gender does not equal with current one
      ubyte xenoAm;    ///Determines the amount of xenogender
      uint xenoGen;    ///Xenogender selection, 0 if not applicable
      Sex* sex;    ///Pointer to the person's current sex

  • Week 3: Army on street, fasces and crosses are added to the US flag, after Trump gets inarguated.

    Week 6: RFK Jr bans all vaccines and rejects conventional agricultural science. Protestors immediately get shot down.

    Week 52: The US famine is starting thanks to 95% of US agricultural products become unfit for human consumption after RFK’s decisions, all while a pandemic of SuperAIDS is also killing the population.