if you’re too fucking scared to face the voters that put you into office…
maybe, err, rather–most likely, you’re a fucking moron that dun did something beyond the stupid.
if you’re too fucking scared to face the voters that put you into office…
maybe, err, rather–most likely, you’re a fucking moron that dun did something beyond the stupid.
the same captions could be used for hamburger or hotdog buns.
dem farmers be pissed off.
pretty soon they’ll be hatin’ their white male politicians even more than those ‘urban’ folk that they just don’t understand.
i’m working on my second million.
(i gave up on the first one)
start making a lot of agricultural product
that kinda needs a stable climate, and not a fireball with record breaking extremes every fucking yearseason.
so, is he gunna go all-in on ev, clean up industrial pollution and greenhouse gasses, shut down all the coal-burners, quit drilling for even more fucking oil?
is he gunna stay in the paris agreement, stay in the un, stay in nato (allies cooperate with each other on more than just defense)?
is he gunna let schools teach to all students, let all students learn, let libraries shelf and circulate all books, restore all the now deleted ‘climate change’ and other data and research, restore noaa, usda, fda and other gutted agencies?
maybe he’ll let farmers repair their own equipment, harvest seeds from their own crops, or anything helpful… at all?
ya, didn’t think so.
the billionaires at the top don’t give a shit about a lowly first-term senator from rural central kansas, a state whose voters have elected only one democrat to the u.s. senate…ever (in the 1930s). the only other two democrats to serve in the u.s. senate, eight years combined between them, representing kansas was even earlier than that back when the state legislature chose them.
gonna target domestic enemies of the cult instead? and of course, allies that some fuckard in a diaper wants to invade and annex.
at this point in his existence as a converter of oxygen into carbon dioxide, i don’t even think he really gives a shit about that anymore. sure, taking money is grand and all, but it’s in the back seat somewhere. it’s about power. about vengeance and revenge. about fucking over anyone and everything that opposes him in any way.
what’s stopping them from inviting a whole bunch of Republicans to drown them out?
they couldn’t find enough of those people because that many of them (that aren’t pissed at at least something the fucktard, dipshit, and furniture molester are doing) don’t actually exist, and they couldn’t afford to pay enough people or actors to fake it.
correct. just a little collateral damage in exchange for some of the ‘right people’ getting hurt. nbd to them.
Putin is going to play him like a fiddle
already is, and has been for quite some time.
and the reason lord diaper is so fucking easy to control is because the fucktard thinks he is the one in charge.
Biden’s approach to Israel
seems absolutely sane by comparison to your boss, there, buddy.
and if you were going to ‘biden’ your support for ukraine, there’d be a non-stop airlift going on with equipment and armaments.
some of the damage is pretty much irreversible, or will take a very long time without any relapses to kinda-sorta repair a little bit–other nations and their citizens will not forget what ‘the u.s.’ has/is doing.
any ‘lawful’ access that’s baked-in will also be used and exploited ‘unlawfully’.
iirc he’s still carrying over losses on taxes from those many years ago.
without access to affordable high speed internet for the maga nuts in the cult, his populist base doesn’t spread…
and instead, we’d be in that singular timeline where we’re now one month into a tim kaine 1st term.
me too. i’m in total control.
i see 'em, i eat 'em.
the wealthy robbing the future to line their wallets today, while fucking over everybody who isn’t them. been their main play for longer than i’ve been alive.
yup. (again)