You mean the Congress that is proposing putting Trump in the $100 bill?
You mean the Congress that is proposing putting Trump in the $100 bill?
When he yelled “that went great!” It probably sealed the deal.
Makerbot after the Stratasys buyout.
There were a bunch of companies that tried right after the FDM patents expired in 2009. Most of them were completely forgotten or ignored because they were closed source (and more importantly closed material) companies and never got very far off the starting blocks.
Bamboo learned from them and decided to pull the rug out after getting a foothold with finally selling decent prebuilt hardware for less than a fortune (see Ultimaker before buying out MakerBot at least).
Those were the performa/CD Macs and they were terrible we’d had an Apple 2e and upgraded to the Mac in the mid 90s. The whole system would basically pause if you held down the mouse button, including audio recording if I remember correctly.
They made me build a PC when I graduated high school, but I eventually went back to Macs when it was better for my career in design.
These dipshits are gonna hire their own lackeys to write it. If they don’t care what we think now, they aren’t going to worry about what historians will think later.
Bike, camping stove, rack, bag, pot, cups. Somehow less than £1?
Yeah he’s rarely filmed from the side with normal lighting when he’s presenting on stage. He’s also wearing coats in press conferences to hide his body, just like his pet president does.
I could regularly beat city buses on 3-5 mile rides in the city. They have to stop all over the place and the routes between places are never direct.
But this greentext is probably made up anyway.
We never got over it, they just use 401ks to control our futures now, and corporate owned housing is why rents are too high for us to do anything but work, eat, scroll, and sleep. If we stop to protest we’re in danger of homelessness.
Which generally helps it fly under the radar so us nerds can have nice things for longer.
I’m not for gate keeping, but I kinda like having tricky things if it means they don’t get ruined/stopped as fast.
Apples photos also has this feature, and it was one of the last things keeping me from self hosting photos.
Gonna start a mirror for my photo library now and see how it stacks up.
Keeping it from replicating and escaping ids the main worry. Self deletion would be fine.
Many bigger hosting providers also offer email hosting with IMAP access. I currently have a personal domain at a host that offers it, but my email is still hosted with a free Google domains account (it’s grandfathered in for life, but I’m still finally planning to move it to my hosts service).
And we were using BBS and college FTP sites with Gopher in 92-93 when we got AOL at our house, but friends of mine had Compuserve or Prodigy even before that.
I wish we could ban capital wealth. Keep the billionaires out of there.
Now it just takes a tweet, and Trump turns those fights around anyway for his scumbag followers.
He was at a private school, it’s just called tuition, and it’s there to make sure powerful people’s kids stay in power. Intelligence has nothing to do with it.
Crabs make even more sense. 6 legs makes climbing stairs even easier. 2 big arms to hold thing and manipulate doors, drawers etc.
Nature keeps making crabs, we should just cut to the chase.
I miss shitty_watercolor. This AI slop just isn’t as effective.