Stop buying Nintendo, mkay?
Those are some nice pictures! Are they all yours? Btw, I do wonder if it’s possible to comment on pictures there from here @[email protected]
Just subbed. Maybe new pictures will pop up in my feed.
It’s as a reaction to the news about TikTok possibly being sold and people jumping to “Red Book”, the other Chinese platform. Maybe some people will read the TechCrunch article and consider Pixelfed.
Can’t wait for PirateGames to shit on this one too and be a great big Blizzard shill again.
- Yes, I am saying that we would be better off by having this money put somewhere else.
I get the notion, however social networks do have an inordinate effect populations and how they think. Spending 5M€ on say, poor communities would help those poor communities (short or long term, dunno), but they could still be influenced by a shoddy social network (or multiple). Whether that sum effect is positive or not is debatable.
It’s very difficult to make a judgement on utility of such a (comparatively) small sum and its target.
To be honest, I’m much more concerned about how people spend their money when they go shopping: buying non fair-trade goods like chocolate, clothes, coffee, phones, and so on, where they spend sums orders of a magnitude larger than a paltry 5-10€/month on mastodon.
5M€ can get you quite a long way, and I’m wondering if we could have better use of those resources than by putting it on Mastodon.
What are you suggesting? That the money donated to Mastodon not be used on Mastodon?
The existing US-based non-profit entity, the 501©(3), will continue to function as a fundraising hub.
Wait, is the money transferred to the US then back to the EU? And will the US-based non-profit still continue to exist or will it be replaced by a truly European one?