If the apocryphal kite experiment is to be believed, wet string.
If the apocryphal kite experiment is to be believed, wet string.
Or, more topically, exposure to raw sewage.
Also, occasionally, athletes just fucking drop dead while doing so. And they’re the healthiest among us.
in 1908, every factory had a few leaders working at the lowest levels. And they are the ones who spearheaded strikes and such.
(I can’t be the first person to have this thought so someone please chime in and tell me where to learn more.)
The scale of housing and factories was different in 1908 though. These days factories are giant complexes in the middle of nowhere with supercommuters that don’t live anywhere near each other or the factory so don’t have the same opportunities to fraternize and organize in their homes and taverns. I don’t know how workers can overcome this massive hurdle from the modern era.
Only if the customer service is unempowered garbage.
Yes. It’s called the Network Effect. People use discord because people use discord.
“Obviously better” this isn’t obvious to me at all. Just because you don’t use the many features it offers doesn’t mean other people don’t.
I tried this with a DrinkMate. I have nothing but big regrets. Have you ever put too much freezer-burned ice into cheap whisky? It’s like that but it also burns like a motherfucker.
Now with more purple!
Alright should I switch to Lyca or HotBot?
He sucked ass in the debate and completely sane washed the unhinged shit Vance was spewing next to him. He even said himself before the debate that he sucks at debating and then proved his prediction correct.
The Ford doesn’t randomly slam the brakes on the highway, so I’d call that a plus. Look up “phantom braking”.
My buddy messed up and spilled a drink in his model X. When pulling up the carpet and panels to clean up he found a bunch of blue painter’s tape where there were supposed to be wiring harnesses and screws. You’ll note that blue painters tape is designed to be temporary, and will not last more than a year or two.
My buddy messed up and spilled a drink in his model X. When pulling up the carpet and panels to clean up he found a bunch of blue painter’s tape where there were supposed to be wiring harnesses and screws. You’ll note that blue painters tape is designed to be temporary, and will not last more than a year or two.
At least they aren’t transphobic.
Wholly? As in you think Trump is completely innocent?
You know their mother won’t see this right?
You’re gonna need a mop with a fit like that.
Hello, it’s me from 2025. When are you from where germ theory is finally believed and acted upon by the majority?