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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2024


  • Non vegans at least have the excuse of being deeply indoctrinated, and having 90+ percent of people reenforcing and defending their behaviour. The ultra rich dont.

    In a way, they have been indoctrinated by capitalism, and are reinforcing that indoctrination by being the capitalists. I can totally believe that most rich people consider themselves “good people” because they have “succeeded” in the capitalist system.

    Keeping people in a cage is crueler and riskier than just killing them.

    That’s debatable by itself. But I’m not talking about keeping people in a cage. I’m talking about trying to forcefully re-educate them and re-integrate them into the society. If they refuse or fail then that’s on them. Even keeping someone in (a humane) prison for life is still less cruel then murdering them IMHO. This is demonstrated by the fact that most death row inmates fight their conviction up until the last moment, even though their living conditions there are awful. People who volunteer to be killed usually have severe mental issues, thus it’s closer to suicide then an informed decision.

    I don’t think you quite grasp just how far gone the rich are.

    As I’ve said, I’ve met and talked with one of them. They’re not all innately awful evil people (I don’t think there are any people who are born evil), merely shaped to be such by their situation. And therefore, a lot of them could be turned into productive members of society with enough re-education, therapy, and honest work.

  • It’s absolutely not 0, people constantly try non violent means of renegotiating social relations and get nowhere, in fact they usually get executed for the trouble.

    Imprisonment and confiscations is definitionally violent; I’m not advocating for a non-violent solution to a problem which is perpetuated by violence.

    Remember that I’m not talking about peaceful protests. I’m talking about isolating the parasites, trying to turn them into humans and giving them a second chance if we’re reasonably certain they’re not a threat anymore.

    Revolutions have left people alive and they consistently side with counterrevolutionary forces and violently crush anyone attempting to improve equality.

    Prisons are places where people are placed to stop them from causing further harm. Hard to help reactionary forces when you’re isolated from society.

    The hope is that during that isolation it’s possible to change their ways.

    As far as I can tell, this has never been tried by anyone.

    I mean french revolution says hello? The worst that can happen is they scuttle off, rouse reactionary forces, and violently oppress billions again. Which they have consistently done no matter how attractive the proposed alternatives have been.

    The french revolution was orchestrated by the bourgeoisie. The then-billionaires never “scuttled off”, they were literally half the Assembly. And that revolution also executed most of the old elites, the old order never really came back but was replaced with an imperialist order practically brought about by the Assembly/Convention themselves, so I’m not sure what point you’re making here.

    Also people who aren’t vegan and have encountered the idea also suck, so that isn’t exactly making your point.

    This is like a good 80% of the population nowadays. Do we execute all of them? No, we try to make them understand the consequences of their lifestyle, and teach them empathy for all living things. That’s my point.

  • Nobody has ever demonstrated an effective treatment for such a disordered mind.

    How many times have we tried? It’s 0. AES countries throw them in (somewhat) brutal prisons or execute them, and capitalist countries with rehab-oriented prisons don’t consider parasitism a crime (which of course it is).

    The same has been said many times about murderers and rapists in the past (and, by some people, in the present too) - and yet look at rates of recidivism in Scandinavia. 80% or more of violent criminals become productive members of society after being released.

    Are parasites worse? Sometimes. I’ve had the displeasure of talking to a person worth ~$1B (it was Evgeniy Kaspersky for reference). They just didn’t want to think about all the suffering they are causing, instead saying shit like “I worked hard for this, if other people worked as hard they’d be as rich”. Just like most people don’t want to think where their chicken nuggets come from and how they are produced. I don’t think they lack empathy, they’re just trying their best to avoid feeling it towards people they’re exploiting.

    AES countries need to push the envelope of humanity, not be stuck in brutal 17th century ways. Try to teach everyone empathy and understanding, give everyone a second chance, the worst that could happen with a parasite is that they try this shit again after being released and go back to prison, with their wealth confiscated for public good once again.

  • Counterpoint: if you deem killing hundreds to thousands of others by spreadsheet to make your line go up, you have to be made an example of.

    Sure. Confiscate everything they have, confiscate everything their family has, put them in prison. There is little difference in deterrence between that and the death penalty.

    I don’t care if Eichmann could have been rehabilitated or if Netanyahu can, they’re not worth the manpower required to get them there.

    Whether you care or not is irrelevant when we’re talking about a human life.

    Crimes of necessity are one thing, death or cruel punishment won’t do a single bit. Crimes of greed? Those fucks only understand deterrence by threat of violence, because all they think of is themselves.

    Sure. Imprisonment is definitionally violence.

    If the Sackler family had been executed for their crimes I bet you’d see far fewer claims denied and insulin wouldn’t be worth an arm and a leg.

    Or, uh, if this shit was properly regulated in the first place there wouldn’t be as many parasites getting wealthy on it, and there would be no price gouging. Look at the rest of the “developed” world, insulin is basically free there, and 0 executions were needed to get there (unless we’re counting the threat of proletariat revolution, but then the US also had that). Those who would still abuse the system could be imprisoned to stop them from doing so.

  • Have you ever tried to use one of those superapps? It’s still a clunky experience overburdened with dozens of useless UI elements eating up screen estate of what I actually care about, and then whenever I wanted to do something for which there’s no sub-app in the super-app it would be difficult due to lack of integrations with “the outside”. That’s even before we question the idea of putting all the eggs functionality in one basket centralized app with one developer entity, allowing them to ultimately control all aspects of one’s online life.

    And more philosophically, I’m surprised that as a functional dev you prefer one big tightly coupled combine to a collection of small but useful on their own utilities lightly coupled to produce more than the sum of their parts.

  • You can try out Nix. It can be installed right there on your Kubuntu box, without any conflicts with apt or other package managers.

    It’s somewhat similar to portage with its ebuilds in that it’s source-first and allows you to set up complex dependency trees and configure every package in them. In your case it would allow you to avoid manual rebuilds and just build&install all your custom software with one command from one directory containing some .nix files that describe how to fetch, configure and compile every package. (Actually, for your dependencies those files are likely to be in nixpkgs already - you can check at https://search.nixos.org/packages. In that case, you don’t have to write any packaging instructions or even build everything, as Nix will intelligently download the binary versions which are helpfully provided by the Nix community).

    It’s quite different from most other package managers/build systems, though, being much “simpler” (it can be described as lambda calculus on files with syntax sugar) but much “harder” (the learning curve is actually a learning wall with the first section requiring mountain climbing experience and covered in barbed wire). If you’ve been maintaining builds for multiple packages by hand for years, though, it shouldn’t be too bad.