Because drugs are bad mmmkay?
And drugs are defined by tv shows. Drugs are pills.
Also, talk about drugs anywhere and you’ll encounter 40-somethings with an unreasonable hatred of drugs. They get crazy. That’s the “just say no” propaganda talking. It was pushed in the schools in the 80s, and we still hear the echoes.
It’s a testament to the power of media and propaganda.
Yes of course.
But by what method or algorithm does this DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA system protect us from propagandists and censors?
What is a method in THAT?
Distributed tagging and voting? The grace of our benevolent moderators? Something else?
I mean, combatting propaganda and censorship is the #1 issue here.
How do we protect ourselves from propagandists and censors? Large, small, popular and individual.
Repeating “they are bad and dumb” ad nauseum is no way to inspire sane conversation. It’s just echo chamber circle jerk.
It’s a good point.
Ever tried to play a difficult video game while also baking a batch of cookies and discussing Christmas plans with your parents?
You see how it works.
That’s an excellent one :)
No it’s something else. Because imaginary people are totally different from real people.
Is it empathy?
I mean, I have empathy for real live people.
But imaginary people? That’s something different.
Maybe it’s a staged event. The latest consensus-splitter / distraction.
Look how it has split us. Reddit deleting posts. Unironic discussion of guillotines.