you can buy a normal physical version then pirate the 4K file
you can buy a normal physical version then pirate the 4K file
thanks for the article, it seems there are rules that you can only kick the glass too, that’s why everyone is kicking it.
or just have a vacant tax in general, if no one lives there, get charged extra, can’t find tenants? maybe you should lower rent. Not enough demand? Then the business should be unprofitable and you should not get into it, the government should not be responsible to guarantee the success of your business.
Them’s the rules, they kiss the ring and get their kickbacks
one of the food delivery service I used tried to offer this, but that is extremely limited in availability and does not cover my address so I never get to use it.
I used it once when my rental’s heating was not working well so I used my GPU as a space heater, recoup more than 10x cost of the hardware by mining over half a winter.
BTC also still can remain untracable as long as you only deal any tradings of it with people who don’t keep other logs that tie to your identity. (Cash trades when buying BTC, and products sellers don’t link any deliveries with your BTC transaction)
You should just order “sashimi” if you don’t want the rice, in buffet place the “sashimi” is just the protein part of the sushi
just not liking the teasing of flavor is all. If I want flavor I will drink the sugary ones, otherwise I will just drink plain water. Having nothing is better than unsatisfying amount that makes you want more.
except this will be the start of the year they stop doing that, because now it becomes the “popular” side to not support it.
I just get around it by using a foreign language name that pronounced similarly to my username.
Well it being a criminal money is a plus, a main feature even. I got some from GPU mining ages ago so was selling them at its peak and it’s easily noticable how all the legal way to get money is all so traced and requires you to send your ID, sold them by dealing with buyers directly so no ID required instead.